Dennis: It was 2012, Valentine's Day in Seattle. Cold, overcast, and single, the protagonists of this story walked into a grimy dive bar on Pike's street in Capitol Hill, the Comet. A relic of the grunge era, this bar was started by a member of Pearl Jam. However, there was no grunge there that night. The room was sparsely filled with six lonely people and a bartender who gave up on love ages ago, but still, one could sense a small flicker of hope in this dimly lit room, pungent with alcohol and stale cigarette smoke. 

We came to see a performance by a man known as "the Techno Shaman".

Mollie: Fresh out of hip hop dance class, longest-time-friend, Rachael Sofian and Mollie (or should I say "Rachael Sofian and I". Gentle reader, I/Mollie can't decide if we're writing this in the first or third person...) headed to the Comet to celebrate (Rachael) and escape (Mollie) Valentine's Day. 

Omniscient Author: In an effort to solve the tense problem I, omniscient author, am taking over. Here we go: Mollie was immediately struck by a very handsome man in the back of the room - not hard to spot since, as Author Dennis has already mentioned, there were all of six people in the venue. On any other day she would think he was a bit too good-looking to make contact with (those dimples!) but on this day (and many other days, she would later learn) he was accidentally wearing his shirt on inside out and was, therefore, much more approachable. 

Fast forward to the end of the show: Dennis offers to put Mollie on the list at a show he's doing at Neumos a few days later. (Neumos = music venue). Mollie says, "That sounds great!" 

Mollie: [thinking to herself] That sounds great! It just so happens that there's a DJ night happening next door to Neumos on the day in question. So! I can go to the DJ night, wait for Dennis's show to be over, and then hop next door to see him. Thus avoiding the humbling possibility that Dennis doesn't put me on the list and I suffer through the world's most embarrassing moment: trying to convince a bouncer that cute dimples guy put my name down and finding that, scroll scroll scroll, nope, there's no Mollie Price here. 

Dennis: Just for the record: I put Mollie on the list. 

Omniscient Author: Mollie, Dennis, I thought we decided I was telling this story. It's getting very confusing for our readers. 

Mollie and Dennis, in unison: Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Please continue. 

Omniscient Author: Dennis and Mollie started dating. After some time Mollie asked Dennis if, hypothetically, he would say yes if she asked him to marry her. He said yes. So she bought Dennis an Engagement Theremin (with help from her brother, inspiration from her mom, and blessings from her dad). She enlisted the help of Toby-the-dog to do the asking, tying a ribbon that said, "Will you marry my Unni*?" to Toby's collar. Dennis said yes (phew! otherwise, that would make this whole setting-up-a-wedding-website thing a little odd...).

And so the happy couple invited their very favorite people in the world to celebrate with them and that's where you come in - actually, you came into this story much earlier, but that would have made the "Our Story" section even longer than it already is. And I/we can all agree that it's gotten pretty long. 

The end/The beginning. 


Mollie&Dennis&Omniscient Author 

*Unni = big sister-type person in Korean